Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ladysoal T-shirt Ideas

I was asked to come up with a t-shirt design/logo for the band Ladysoal (the same band I designed the album cover for).  The design had to be simple and only use two colors.  And it had to have an afro in it.

....But then I found out that Sharika's (the singer's) face couldn't be on it, but the afro still had to be present because it's signature (because Sharika has an afro).

So I made this one, but I don't think it looks nearly as good.  Sharika's face from the first picture has a way better expression, and her face just fits the 'fro better.  So then I went through with an unoriginal idea because I felt the guidelines I was given left me no choice.

I don't like this nearly as much.  I think it's missing some flavor or feeling; it just looks plain or bland.  But other people like it so we'll probably just go with this one.  I might change the font or something.  Might also try to give it some more feeling somehow.